
Types Of Articulation In Music

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Dynamics and Articulation: The 39 Nigh Important Terms in Music

  • Mail service author:Jonathan Stark
  • Postal service category:Music Theory Light

In music, there are many means to indicate dynamics and articulation. Over time, nonetheless, some terms have become established and are used over and over again. Observe here 39 different dynamic and articulation terms in the four musical languages: Italian, English, German and French.

Italiano English Deutsch Français
accentuato accentuated betont accentué/ponctué
appoggiando leaning stützend/betonend en appuyant
appoggiato/poggiato leaned gestützt appuyé
articolando articulating artikulierend en articulant
articolato articulated artikuliert articulé
ben ritmato well rhythmed sehr rhythmisch bien rythmé
con tutta la forza with full forcefulness mit voller Kraft/mit größter Kraft de toutes ses forces
estinto/spento extinguished erlöscht/ausgelöscht éteint
forte strong/loud kräftig/stark/laut fort
fortissimo very loud sehr laut très fort
forzando forcing forcierend/stark betonend en contraignant
forzato forced forciert/stark betont contraint
glissando sliding gleitend en glissant/glisser
legato/ligado jump/tied gebunden lié
lontano far away fern/weit/entfernt lointain
marcando marking markierend en marquant
marcato marked markiert marqué
martellando hammering hämmernd en martelant
mezzoforte one-half loud halblaut/mittelstark mi-fort
mezzopiano half soft halbleise/mittelleise mi-doux
molto accentuato very accentuated sehr betont très accentué
percosso struck geschlagen percuté
pianissimo extremely soft sehr leise très doucement
pianoforte soft/low leise doucement
più forte possibile every bit loud as possible so laut wie möglich le plus fort possible
più piano possibile as soft as possible and so leise wie möglich le plus doucement possible
portando carrying over tragend en portant
portato carried over getragen porté
quasi niente almost nada fast nichts presque rien
risaltato emphasized hervorgehoben mis en relief
ritmico/ritmato rhythmical/rhythmic rhythmisch rythmique/rythmé
sferzando whipping peitschend en cinglant
sforzato/sforzando forced/forcing stark hervorgehoben forcé/en forçant
slegato/non legato not slurred ungebunden non lié
smorzato subdued gedämpft amorti
sottovoce "under the voice"/in an undertone "unter der Stimme"/mit leiser Stimme à voix basse
staccato detached abgestoßen détaché/piqué
tremolando trembling/tremolo tremolierend/bebend trembloté/trémolo
vibrato vibrato/"vibrated" vibriert/Bebung vibré

Jonathan Stark – Conductor

Jonathan Stark – Usher

How-do-you-do! I'm Jonathan Stark. As a usher, it is important to me that visits to concerts and operas go out a lasting impression on the audience. Background knowledge helps to achieve this. That's why I blog here about central works of classical music, about composers, about opera and much more that happens in the exciting world of music.

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