
A Shape With No Sides

For children in kindergarten and up, geometry and spatial relationships are a part of their daily lives. Understanding an object'southward position in space and learning the vocabulary to describe a position and give directions are of import. Terms like above, below, left, correct, or between enable children to orient themselves with their environment and describe the earth effectually them. They can apply these same terms when describing plane and solid shapes in the classroom.

Apartment Aeroplane Shapes

Well-nigh of the objects that we run across tin can be associated with basic shapes. A closed two-dimensional, or flat, figure is called a plane shape. Different plane shapes accept different attributes, such as the number of sides or corners (or vertices). A side is a direct line that makes part of the shape, and a corner, or vertex, is where ii sides meet.

  • Key standard: Analyze and compare ii- and three-dimensional shapes, using informal linguistic communication to draw their similarities, differences, parts (due east.chiliad., number of sides and vertices/"corners"), and other attributes. (Form Yard)

Although children are familiar with the most common shapes, earlier kindergarten, they may not take been able to enunciate what distinguishes a foursquare from a rectangle or a circle from a triangle. They will learn to describe shapes in terms of their sides and corners.

A triangle is a shape with three sides and 3 corners. A rectangle is a shape with four sides and 4 corners. They may notice that opposite sides are the same length.

A foursquare is a rectangle in which all four sides are of equal length. A circle is a round shape that has no sides or corners. These attributes, equally well as size, can be used to sort and classify shapes.

Solid Shapes

Many of the everyday objects that children are familiar with are solid shapes. For case, blocks are often cubes or rectangular prisms. They have vi faces, or flat surfaces.

Other familiar solid shapes are spheres, which children might recognize equally beingness shaped like balls. One shape children might not immediately recognize is a pyramid, which has one rectangular face and 4 triangular faces. They volition probable, even so, recognize cylinders, which are shaped like cans, and cones, like ice foam cones or traffic cones.

Equally with plane shapes, children will acquire to describe solid shapes in terms of their attributes. For example:

  • Roundness or flatness
  • Ability to roll or slide
  • Number of sides or corners

They volition also come to see how the plane shapes contain the faces of solid shapes. This is an of import thought, as the real earth effectually u.s. is three dimensions and made of solid shapes! The place where people run across flat airplane shapes is generally on the faces of 3-D objects. Because of this, it is common to teach solid shapes kickoff before moving on to plane shapes, which we do in HMH Into Math.

Tracing around the confront of solids volition help a child understand a cube differs from a rectangular prism because all six of its faces are squares. This will enrich the ways in which they tin can depict and compare solids. For example, a child might see that although both a cylinder and a sphere can ringlet, a sphere has no faces and cannot slide. A cylinder, on the other mitt, has two circular faces, so it can both roll and slide. (Just some cylinders will slide more than easily than others!)

Extend the Lesson

  • For students who are prepare, you may desire to show how the faces of cubes and rectangular prisms must run across at right angles, or all the points on a surface of a sphere are the aforementioned distance from a cardinal point.
  • Does your school have access to a 3-D printer? Don't just draw shapes similar cubes or spheres—actually create them! Present the 3-D printed objects to the class and take them share what they observe and wonder.
  • Have students identify solid shapes in the real globe! Either bring objects, such equally an water ice cream cone, number cube, or soccer ball, for students to describe and allocate, or have students look for objects outside of school to share. Consider what interests your students. Wait for buildings near the school and around the world with interesting shapes or balls from sports that your students like to play.
  • Origami presents an exciting way to transform a flat plane shape into a solid shape. Expect online for folding ideas, such every bit creating a cube. Yous tin also expect for printouts that let students construct 3-D shapes or have students create cubes, pyramids, and other solid shapes using toothpicks and marshmallows.

Once children can recognize and describe the attributes that distinguish plane and solid shapes, such as those that make a triangle different from a square or a cylinder different from a cone, they tin can brainstorm to create and go on patterns. When children create or discover patterns, they are using the attributes of not just ane merely of a series of shapes to decide the order or pattern.


Grow student confidence in mathematics with HMH Into Math, our cadre math solution for Grades K–8.

A Shape With No Sides,


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